Associate Professor, Videographer, Coordinator of the Master 2 AUDE-EP - Alternatives urbaines et démarches expérimentales - Espaces publics (Urban Alternatives and Experimental Approaches – Public Spaces).
Research Unit: Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport - LVMT.
Anne Jarrigeon's current research focuses on the practices and imaginaries of mobility. The uses of material devices (urban spaces, transport networks, architecture) and technical objects (mobile phones) are privileged entries. The body and the image are also at the heart of her work, which aims to promote a poetic anthropology of the urban experience.
Her personal page on the website of the Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport - LVMT.
Some Publications:
- CUNY Cécile, FÄRBER Alexa et JARRIGEON Anne (dir.), L'urbain par l'image. Collaborations entre arts visuels et sciences sociales, Ivry-sur-Seine, Creaphis Editions, 2020.
- JARRIGEON Anne, "En mouvement les signes. L’espace urbain à hauteur de talons", dans AMAR Georges, APPEL-MULLER Mireille et CHARDONNET-DARMAILLACQ Sabine (dir.), Le génie de la marche. Poétique, savoirs et politique des corps mobiles, Paris, Hermann Editions, 2016.