EUP Students mobility
The EUP has many cooperation agreements, signed by the Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) and the Université Gustave Eiffel with European and worldwide universities.
Studying Abroad
Please note: The following tracks are not compatible with an academic mobility — Apprenticeship (M2 HRU & M2 DUI), M2 Transport et Mobilité, M2 URBA XP, and the track 'Urban Planning and Cities of the Global South' of the M2 Urbanisme et Expertise internationale.
Students have several options to go study abroad for a semester:
▪ In M1 during the second semester (S2).
▪ In M2 during the third semester (S3).
▪ In M2 during the fourth semester (S4) for the M2 International master in Urban Planning Track City Planning in Europe.
Good academic record and Language Level Certificate are required. Students can only leave following one of the existing agreements. Students’ mobility projects must be approved by the head of the International Relations (RI) of the EUP before any administrative formality with the UPEC or the Université Gustave Eiffel or the MICEFA or any other organism.
Universities and Agreements
Erasmus Partnerships*
▪ Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (website) | Guidebook for the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (pdf)
▪ Hamburg, Hafencity University (website) | Guidebook for the Hafencity University (pdf)
▪ Technische Universität Berlin (website)
▪ Università degli Studi di Palermo (website)
▪ Universita Iuav di Venezia Graduate Programme: City and Environment: Planning and Policies (website) | Guidebook for the Universita Iuav di Venezia (pdf)
▪ Politecnico Milan, English taught master on Urban Planning and Policy Design, Architecture (website) | Guidebook for the Politecnico Milan (pdf)
▪ University of Amsterdam, College of Social Sciences (Master Urban and Regional Planning et Research MSc. Urban Studies) (website) | Guidebook for the University of Amsterdam (pdf)
Portugal (first year students have priority)
▪ Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território (DCSPT), master Planeamento Regional e Urbano (website) | Guidebook for the Universidade de Aveiro (pdf)
Romania (first year students have priority)
▪ Bucharest, "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Urbanism (website)
▪ Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (website)
Spain (first year students have priority)
▪ Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) (website) | Guidebook for the Politécnica de Madrid (pdf)
▪ Universidad de Valladolid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valladolid (ETSAVA) (website)
▪ Malmö University, Urban Studies (website) | Guidebook for the Malmö University (pdf)
▪ Istanbul, Faculty of Architecture, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (website)
▪ Istanbul, Université Galatasaray, "Sciences Sociales" (website)
▪ Istanbul, Okan Üniversitesi, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (website)
United Kingdom
▪ Oxford Brookes University (website) | Guidebook for the Oxford Brookes (pdf)
▪ UCL - London's Global University (website) | Guidebook for the UCL (pdf)
[Note: Following the Brexit agreement, Erasmus+ agreements with the UK remain active until Summer 2023. But the conditions and amenities may vary, due to rapid ongoing changes. Especially regarding the agreement with UCL. Please ensure to contact the EUP staff before engaging any action. See 'Contacts', below.]
*As far as compatible with our semester dates.
Bilateral agreements*
▪ Universidade de Sao Paulo USP, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU) (website)
▪ Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói (website)
▪ Montreal University, Master in Urban planning (website) | Guidebook for the Université de Montréal (pdf)
▪ Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota (website)
Lebanon (first year students have priority)
▪ Saint-Esprit University of Kaslik (website)
▪ University of Hyogo (website)
▪ Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (website) | Guidebook for the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (pdf)
▪ Mexico City, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (website)
▪ National Cheng Kung University (website)
*As far as compatible with our semester dates.
MICEFA (only for second year students)* - Mission interuniversitaire de coordination des échanges franco-américains
▪ University of Waterloo (website)
▪ York University (website)
United States of America
▪ California State University (CSU) (website)
▪ City University of New York (CUNY) (website) | Guidebook for the City Université New York (pdf)
▪ Florida International University (website)
▪ Louisiana State Universities (CODOFIL) (website)
▪ Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (website)
▪ State University of New York (SUNY) (website)
▪ Universidad de Puerto Rico (website)
▪ University of Illinois at Chicago (website)
▪ University of Mary Washington (website)
▪ University of Maryland, College Park (website)
▪ University of Miami (website)
▪ University of South Florida (website)
▪ University of Texas, Austin (website)
▪ University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (website)
Note: Proof of English proficiency is required (TOEFL score of 80 and above).
*As far as compatible with our semester dates.
Mobility specific to the track European Cities
Students enrolled in the International Master in Urban Planning Track City Planning in Europe can study during the spring semester to one of the four partner universities of the Labex Network.
This mobility is organised under the Erasmus+ scheme and is supported by a grant delivered by the Labex Futurs Urbains, additional to the EU funding.
4th Semester Mobilty (S4)
Financial Help for an International Mobility
It is possible to apply to mobility grants from the Université Gustave Eiffel or the UPEC. Students are oriented towards these offices by the heads of international relations of the EUP after their applications are approved. The ranking criteria to allocate the grants are:
→ The relevance of the mobility project.
→ Language level.
→ Marks from the past academic life.
In practice, all students can get a grant once their project is approved by the heads of RI. For the International Master in Urban Planning, track European Cities, specific grants from the LabEx are allocated (with no condition) in addition to the ERASMUS grant to Hamburg, Malmö, Milan and Ljubljana.
At the End of the Mobility
▪ Transcript of Grades
When the transcript of marks obtained abroad is sent to you by the host university, it is your responsibility to send it directly to the secretariat of the EUP.
Please note that french transcripts will not be sent to you before the jury, generally held in October for the International Master in Urban Planning, track European Cities.
▪ Reflective Report
Upon returning from an exchange semester at a foreign university, EUP students submit a reflexive report, detailing their semester abroad. This report must be submitted to the RI coordinators by July 1st.