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EUP's international partnerships

© École d'Urbanisme de Paris (EUP).

The Paris School of Urban Planning nourishes multiple partnerships and agreements with universities worldwide.

Map of EUP's International Academic Partners

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Worldwide locations of international academic partners of the EUP (Erasmus, bilateral agreements, MICEFA, BCI, LabEx Network).

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Universities and Agreements

Erasmus Partnerships*

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (website) | Guidebook for the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (pdf)
Hamburg, Hafencity University (website) | Guidebook for the Hafencity University (pdf)
Technische Universität Berlin (website)

Università degli Studi di Palermo (website)
Universita Iuav di Venezia Graduate Programme: City and Environment: Planning and Policies (website) | Guidebook for the Universita Iuav di Venezia (pdf)
Politecnico Milan, English taught master on Urban Planning and Policy Design, Architecture (website) | Guidebook for the Politecnico Milan (pdf)

University of Amsterdam, College of Social Sciences (Master Urban and Regional Planning et Research MSc. Urban Studies) (website) | Guidebook for the University of Amsterdam (pdf)

Portugal (first year students have priority)
Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território (DCSPT), master Planeamento Regional e Urbano (website) | Guidebook for the Universidade de Aveiro (pdf)

Romania (first year students have priority)
▪ Bucharest, "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Urbanism (website)

▪ Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (website)

Spain (first year students have priority)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) (website) | Guidebook for the Politécnica de Madrid (pdf)
Universidad de Valladolid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valladolid (ETSAVA) (website)

Malmö University, Urban Studies (website) | Guidebook for the Malmö University (pdf)

▪ Istanbul, Faculty of Architecture, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (website)
▪ Istanbul, Université Galatasaray, "Sciences Sociales" (website)
▪ Istanbul, Okan Üniversitesi, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (website)

United Kingdom
Oxford Brookes University (website) | Guidebook for the Oxford Brookes (pdf)
UCL - London's Global University (website) | Guidebook for the UCL (pdf)
[Note: Following the Brexit agreement, Erasmus+ agreements with the UK remain active until Summer 2023. But the conditions and amenities may vary, due to rapid ongoing changes. Especially regarding the agreement with UCL. Please ensure to contact the EUP staff before engaging any action. See 'Contacts', below.]

*As far as compatible with our semester dates.

Bilateral agreements*

Universidade de Sao Paulo USP, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU) (website)
▪ Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói (website)

▪ Montreal University, Master in Urban planning (website) | Guidebook for the Université de Montréal (pdf)

▪ Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota (website)

Lebanon (first year students have priority)
▪ Saint-Esprit University of Kaslik (website)

▪ University of Hyogo (website)

▪ Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (website) | Guidebook for the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (pdf)
▪ Mexico City, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (website)

▪ National Cheng Kung University (website)

*As far as compatible with our semester dates.

MICEFA (only for second year students)* - Mission interuniversitaire de coordination des échanges franco-​américains

University of Waterloo (website)
York University (website)

United States of America
California State University (CSU) (website)
City University of New York (CUNY) (website) | Guidebook for the City Université New York (pdf)
Florida International University (website)
Louisiana State Universities (CODOFIL) (website)
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (website)
State University of New York (SUNY) (website)
Universidad de Puerto Rico (website)
University of Illinois at Chicago (website)
University of Mary Washington (website)
University of Maryland, College Park (website)
University of Miami (website)
University of South Florida (website)
University of Texas, Austin (website)
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (website)

Note: Proof of English proficiency is required (TOEFL score of 80 and above).

*As far as compatible with our semester dates.

BCI (only for second year students)* - Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire

Quebec (Canada)
▪ Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)  (only for students aiming the research path) (website)
▪ Université du Québec à Rimouski (website)
▪ Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (website)
▪ Université Laval (website)

*As far as compatible with our semester dates.

Réseau Laboratoire d'Excellence (LabEx Network)

Hamburg, Hafencity University (website) | Guidebook for the Hafencity University (pdf)

Politecnico Milan, English taught master on Urban Planning and Policy Design, Architecture (website) | Guidebook for the Politecnico Milan (pdf)

▪ Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture (website)

Malmö University, Urban Studies (website) | Guidebook for the Malmö University (pdf)

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China: Centre Franco-Chinois Ville & Territoire

The Centre Franco-Chinois Ville & Territoire (CFCVT) — French-Chinese City & Territory Centre — was born from an agreement between the University of Nanjing and the Université Paris-Est Créteil (member of the COMUE Paris-Est Sup) which have appointed urban planning and Development as a priority subject of cooperation. Officially, the centre was founded in 2008 during a ceremony in Nanjing.

Its ambition is to become an attractive pole of research and exchanges, a reference in terms of urban planning and development, crossing the experiences of China, France and other European partners.

The French-Chinese Centre and its partners have created an online journal dedicated to urban topics, with a special attention for public policies, lifestyles and case studies.

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Brazil: the Attilio Programme

The Attilio* Programme: urbanism, skills, territories, created in 2009, is a French-Brazilian programme aiming to share experiences in the field of urban planning and development training courses, through the creation of connections, exchanges, academic productions, stimulating the approach on different urban and urbanistic realities depending on the establishments and cultural contexts.

The Dialogues France-Brésil ​​/ Diálogos França Brasil, established in 2011, have converged with the Attilio programme to become the main form of regular encounters — biannually — between French and Brazilian researchers in the field of urban planning and development. Its fourth session will take place in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, between 27 and 30 June 2016 (Diálogos França Brasil 4).

Furthermore, these encounters are an opportunity to include other French or Portuguese-speaking researchers to these Dialogues over work sessions between the ANPUR (Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Planejamento Urbano e Regional) and the APERAU (Association pour la Promotion  de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche en Aménagement et Urbanisme), oriented in the same direction.

*Attilio: from the name of Attilio Corrêa Lima, the first Brazilian doctor urbanism trained in the IUUP (Institut Universitaire d'Urbanisme de Paris) in France, in 1930.

Three key words: "urbanism", "skills", "territories".

▪ Urbanism

Urbanism is a multidisciplinary professional field including researchers and academic teachers as well as political decision-makers and field operators.
This dimension implies knowledge of the general organization of the field, social stakeholders, professions, rules dissemination channels, ideas and innovations, challenges to build open and democratic cities, among others. The Brazilian situations are already quite diverse and turned out instructive to understand and act in the French (or European) context, and reciprocally.

▪ Skills

By skills we mean the ability to make the most of the aptitudes and knowledge in situation.
The urbanism training is the common thread of the programme: exploring the similarities and differences, the institutional level taken up by urbanism in both countries, to grasp the shared preoccupation of what should or could be the urban planner’s training in a rapidly changing urban reality.

▪ Territories

The field of urbanism concerns territories of various scales: from micro to macro, street corners, neighbourhoods, small towns and big cities, urban areas, metropolises and gigantic conurbations.
The importance of scales varies depending on the contexts, which makes the main issue here an issue of governance, which could elsewhere be the issue of economic development, housing, public spaces, education, health, etc.

Generally speaking, urbanism is about public action and regulation.

Skills in this field are shared and fluctuate between the various levels, local, regional (states), federal — in Brazil — and European — for France.

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