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Internships, BAIP, EUP Network

Picture: ND. © Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC).


The Professional Integration and Carrer Support Office (Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle - BAIP) of the Paris School of Urban Planning (EUP) supports the students throughout their internship search and towards their future jobs. It also conducts surveys about the professional integration of EUP young graduates.

Internships during the 1st and 2nd years of Master

Supervised and approved by the EUP, internships are an essential part of the Master's Degree. Though they are optional in Master 1, they are mandatory in Master 2 (3 to 6 months) at the end of the training.

▪ The internship agreement

As part of its integration mission, the EUP has chosen to provide you with an internship agreement management tool: PSTAGE.


Go to PStage (Université Gustave Eiffel).

PStage portal
Fiche de liaison, stage, BAIP (word)

Contact form

Download the contact form for the hosting organisation.

Download (pdf)

▪ Internship offers

Réseau EUP

EUP Network (Réseau EUP)

Offers for our students: the EUP Network.

Got to Réseau EUP

Guide of websites

A comprehensive guide of websites with internship offers (urbanism, urban planning, development, etc.).

Download (pdf, French)

EUP Network

With over 5,000 members, the EUP Network gathers EUP graduates, students and teachers, as well as over 2,000 companies in relation with urbanism.

The EUP Network missions:
▪ Connecting school graduates and students.
▪ Circulating internship and job offers from graduates, companies, and teachers.
▪ Follow-up on the school's current events.

This tool is essential for students' professional integration and allows graduates to keep in touch with the EUP.

Access to the EUP Network:

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Professional Integration Support Office

The professional integration support office (Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle - BAIP) aims to advise and support the students in their research for an internship and their entry into the professional life. It also updates the directory of former graduates.

The head of the BAIP individually sees students, by appointment to counsel and prepare them for their professional integration:
→ Identify their skills.
→ Design their curriculum vitae.
→ Draft a cover letter.
→ Look for an internship.
→ Practice for job interviews.

Opening Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:30am-12:00pm & 1:30-5:00pm.
Wednesday: Remote work in the morning, closed in the afternoon. Remote work on Fridays.
Individual appointment on request.


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  • Ecole d'Urbanisme de Paris (EUP) - Logo rouge

    Professional Integration and Carrer Support Office (Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle - BAIP)

    +33 (0)1 71 40 80 38