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EUP Staff

The Paris School of Urban Planning stands on the collective work of different Teams. The Teaching team encompasses about fifty teachers — who are also researchers or associate professionals. The Administrative team encompasses about fifteen members.


Administrative Staff

The EUP administrative staff is composed by a dozen of employees. Departments and tasks are distributed among the two institutes (i.e. the two universities the EUP is affiliated to).

EUP - Paris School of Urban Planning, Administrative team 2021

Administrative Directory

The administrative team of the Paris School of Urban Planning (EUP). [Last update: November, 2023].

Download the scheme (pdf)

▪ Co-Administrative Heads

  • Nicolas LOISEL


▪ Management Support

▪ Finance Department

Managing orders of learning materials. Monitoring study trips

▪ Registrar's Office

Reception, tracking admissions, information, handling enrolments (both administrative and teaching), reserving classrooms (internal requests), organising studies and examination boards

▪ Continuing Education Department

Administration of internship programmes, information, processing enrolments, admissions

▪ International relations

Showcasing and developing EUP and Lab’Urba’s activities on a global scale

▪ Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion professionnelle (BAIP)

Professional Integration and Carrer Support Office.


  • Ecole d'Urbanisme de Paris (EUP) - Logo rouge

    Professional Integration and Carrer Support Office (Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle - BAIP)

    Opening Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:30am-12:00pm & 1:30-5:00pm.
    Wednesday: Remote work in the morning, closed in the afternoon. Remote work on Fridays.
    Individual appointment on request.

    +33 (0)1 71 40 80 38

▪ Partnership Office

▪ "Greater Paris" Chair

▪ E-city Programme

  • Ecole d'Urbanisme de Paris (EUP) - Logo rouge

    Executive assistant of the E-city Programme

    Champs-sur-Marne / Campus Centre de Créteil
  • Ecole d'Urbanisme de Paris (EUP) - Logo rouge

    E-city Research Engineer (PhD)

    Champs-sur-Marne / Campus Centre de Créteil

▪ Bibliothèque historique Poëte et Sellier

Historical Library Poëte and Sellier.

▪ Communication Department

Organising events, web-based and social media events, Publishing communication documents