Asspciate Professor, Coordinator of the Master Urbanisme et Aménagement (Master in Urban Planning and Development).
Research Unit: Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport - LVMT.
Sandrine Wenglenski's research focuses on daily mobility practices in cities, the role of mobility in the daily logistics of individuals and the social issues of mobility. She explores the field of mobility through different methods including video. She recently made two films, one on micro social interactions between RER A riders, the other on daily experiences of delivery workers in New York City.
Her personal page on the website of the Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport - LVMT.
Some Publications:
- WENGLENSKI Sandrine, “Little Arrangements with Oneself and Others. A Visual Study on the Everyday Trivial in the Parisian A Train“, dans Urban Studies, édition spéciale "Public Transport as Public Space", à paraître en 2022.
- WENGLENSKI Sandrine, "The Deliverymen’s City Life. Présentation et projection du film de recherche sur la livraison urbaine à New York", Conférence MetroFreight, Paris, 2018.
- WENGLENSKI Sandrine, "Daily Mobility", dans The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Hoboken, Wiley, 2017.
- PROULHAC Laurent, WENGLENSKI Sandrine, "La mobilité quotidienne participe-t-elle aux mélanges sociaux ?", 53ème Colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française, Gatineau (Canada), 7-9 juillet 2016.
- KORSU Emre et WENGLENSKI Sandrine, "Des déplacements quotidiens au service de la ségrégation résidentielle ?", dans Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport, 63, 2013, p. 119-140.
- KORSU Emre et WENGLENSKI Sandrine, "Job accessibility, residential segregation and risk of long-term unemployment in Paris region", dans Urban Studies, 47(10), 2010, p. 2279-2324.
- WENGLENSKI Sandrine, "Accès à l’emploi : champ des possibles contre champ des pratiques", dans MASSOT Marie-Hélène (dir.), Mobilités et modes de vie métropolitains, Paris, L’Oeil d’or, 2010, p. 121-137.
- AGUILÉRA-BELANGER Anne, PROULHAC Laurent et WENGLENSKI Sandrine, “Employment suburbanisation, reverse commuting and travel behaviour by residents of the central city in the Paris metropolitan area”, dans Transportation Research, part A, 43, 2009, p. 685-691.