Nadia ARAB

Professor, Coordinator of the Master 2 DUI - Développement Urbain Intégré - stratégies et projets (Integrated Urban Development: Strategies and Projects).
Research Unit: Lab'URBA.
Nadia Arab's research is in line with theories of action, organizations and collective action. The angles of analysis that she favors are centered on public and private actors, their practices, their logic of action, their knowledge and skills; on the mechanisms of public-private cooperation and regulation, from the scale of an urban planning operation to that of multi-level territorial cooperation; on the instruments, norms, power relations, representations... that shape urban action and its changes, on the scale of a public or private organization as well as on the inter-organizational and interinstitutional scale.
Her personal page on the website of the Lab'URBA.
Her LinkedIn page.
Some Publications:
- ARAB Nadia et MIOT Yoan (dir.), La ville inoccupée. Enjeux et défis des espaces urbains vacants. Paris, Presses des Ponts, 2020.
- ARAB Nadia & MULLON Rachel, "Precedents and design process in routine and non-routine design situations. An empirical study based on two contrasting urban development projects", dans Journal of Urbanism. International Research on Place Making and Urban Sustainability, 2020.
- ARAB Nadia, "Pour une théorie du projet en urbanisme", dans Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, vol. 56-1, no 1, 2018, p. 219-240.