Professor, Co-Director of the École d'Urbanisme de Paris.
Research Units: Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport - LVMT, LabEx Urban Futures.
Urban planning and development; Social, cultural and political geography of large cities; Uses, practices and representations of space; Public space, centrality, urbanity, territoriality; Pedestrian mobility and accessibility; Systemic, qualitative and comparative approaches; Geographical areas: Americas.
Jérôme Monnet's research focuses on the consideration of social uses and representations in the development of public spaces and in urban and transport policies. He is particularly interested in the analysis of the conditions for the development of active mobility, particularly pedestrian mobility, in partnership with local authorities and civil society actors.
His personal page on the website of the Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport - LVMT.
Some Publications
- Demailly K.E., Monnet J., Scapino J., Deraëve S. (dir.), Dictionnaire pluriel de la marche en ville, Paris : L’oeil d’or (coll. Critique et cité, Labex Futurs urbains), 2021, 446p. [https://www.loeildorenligne.com/product-page/dictionnaire-pluriel-de-la-marche-en-ville]
- Capron G., Monnet J., Pérez López R. (coord.), Banquetas: el orden híbrido de las aceras en la Ciudad de México y su área metropolitana, México : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Colección Humanidades), 2022 [https://sociologiaurbana.azc.uam.mx/banquetas_el_orden_hibrido_de_las_aceras/]
- Capron G., Monnet J., "Trottoir : les multiples facettes d’un espace public de loisirs. Le cas de Mexico", EchoGéo, n°61, septembre 2022 [https://doi.org/10.4000/echogeo.23804]