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Francesca ARTIOLI

Associate Professor, Coordinator of the International Master in Urban Planning and Studies, track 'European Cities' (Master 2 Urbanisme et Expertise internationale, option 'European Cities').

Research Unit: Lab'URBA.


Public land and real estate; Transformation of housing; Digital platforms and cities; Political sociology of public policy; Comparative method; European cities..


Francesca Artioli's work focuses on the material production of the city and its evolutions, from a perspective of political sociology of public policy and collective action. On the one hand, she is interested in the transformation of urban planning and development policies under the effect of the reforms of public property management and the intensification of financial constraints; on the other hand, more recently, she is working on the regulation and conflicts around digital platforms and short-term rentals in European cities.

Her personal page on the website of the Lab'URBA.
Her page on CCSD.

Some Publications: