Associate Professor, Coordinator of the Diplôme Inter-Universitaire D-PRAUG – démarches de programmation (architectural and urban programming).
Research Unit: Lab'URBA.
Research :
Clément Orillard’s research focuses on the history of urban planning since 1945. More specifically on the emergence and the transnational construction of the discursive and practical fields of Urban Design, both in the USA and in the UK. His research also focuses on the construction of the urban planning and development sector in France, with its effects on the contemporary metropoles.
Some Publications:
- ORILLARD Clément, "The anniversaries of the Ecole d’urbanisme de Paris (1919–1969–2019)", dans Planning Perspectives, 2021. [Url :
- « L’invention du schéma comme document d’urbanisme. Reconstruire la genèse d’un changement dans les pratiques de planification. » in Arab, Mille & Pauchon (dir.), Urbanisme et changement. Injonction, rhétorique ou nouvelles pratiques ?, Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Midi, 2022, pp.89-102.
- avec Stephen V. Ward, « Planning the World’s New Towns – A Tale of Two Countries, 1975-2013 » in Fee, Colenutt & Coady Schaebitz (ed.), Paradise lost? Lessons from British and French New Towns, Bingley, Emerald Publishing, 2020, pp.129-142.