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Cécile CUNY

Associate Professor, Coordinator of the Master 1 Urbanisme et Aménagement (first year of the Master in Urban Planning and Development).

Research Unit: Lab'URBA.


Urban sociology, ethnography, visual methods, worker worlds, logistical spaces, participatory urban planning, collaborative photography. Geographical Areas: France, Germany (including ex-DDR).


Cécile Cuny's research focuses on the processes of recomposition of social groups in and through space. Her work highlights spaces undergoing long-term structural transformations at multiple scales. She is interested in how transformations materialize in spaces and are represented and debated in different political arenas, and in the conditions under which different groups of users are constituted by the discourses and policies on these spaces, affected by their transformations, problematize them and respond to them through various practices, individual or collective.

Her research activities are deployed in three main directions:
1. The role of company policies in the social recomposition of territories (post-socialist transition, logistic development, metropolisation).
2. Social images of territories and their reappropriation by inhabitants (collaborative photography, cultural circulations, exhibitions).
3. Photography and video as diagnostic, design and intervention practices in urbanism and spatial planning.

Her personal page on the website of the Lab'URBA.
Her Website.

Some Publications:

  • CUNY Cécile, "On n’est pas des robots" : ouvrières et ouvriers de la logistique, Grâne, Créaphis Editions, 2020.
  • CUNY Cécile, FARBER Alexa et JARRIGEON Anne, L’urbain par l’image : collaborations entre arts visuel et sciences sociales, Grâne, Créaphis Editions, 2020.