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Stemming from the union between the Planning Institute of Paris (Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris – Université Paris Est Créteil) and the French Urbanism Institute (Institut Français d’Urbanisme – Université Gustave Eiffel), the Paris School of Urban Planning (École d’Urbanisme de Paris – EUP) is the first school of its kind in France and one of the most important ones in Europe.


It is primarily a training centre offering a unique master’s training programme called "Urban Planning and Development" with an intake capacity of nearly 400 students in their first and second year of master’s degree and several master’s level University Degrees (Diplômes Inter-Universitaires)


The EUP has 3 main ambitions:

→ Developing and internationalizing all of its training courses and complete them with others, especially in terms of continuous training. We also put the emphasis on an innovating learning approach based on real-life professional situations and individual follow-up of knowledge and know-how acquisition.
→ Playing an essential liaison role between the training and the research programmesby developing and deepening the relations between the research laboratories about urbanism and the Labex Futurs Urbains / Urban Futures.
→ Becoming a leading place for public debates about the great urban challenges and the urban fabric in Île-de-France, France, Europe and throughout the world.


With over 50 teachers-researchers, in a rich environment with many institutions and schools interested in the city and territories established in Cité Descartes (École des Ponts ParisTech - ENPC, Architecture school, IFSTTAR, Efficacity, Cerema, etc.), the EUP has many assets to pursue its ambitions and thus become an international reference school on city and the urban fabric.

Six Reasons to Choose EUP

Educational Innovations

Varied and original educational forms focused on transdisciplinarity and professionalization.

Professional Integration

More than satisfactory results in surveys of our former graduates

Historical Library Poëte & Sellier

With more than 11,000 documents, precious historical resources are made available to students and scientists

Master in Urban Planning and Development

A unique two-year Master in Urban Planning and Development, with ten specialization tracks

International Courses

Student mobility encouraged; More and more international partnerships; A Masters 2 course specializing in international expertise

Continuing Education

A Master's degree "Maîtrise d’Ouvrage des Projets Urbains" is offered as a continuing education program, along with several diplômes inter-universitaires (Master's level)

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